
Body Up Evolution

iraklitou 119 – 雅典 – 希腊+30 210-6852381Facebook
个人物品 > 医疗保健, 药物交替, 阿育吠陀,中医学...
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巴黎 (法国的) - 哥德堡 (瑞典)巴黎 (法国的) - 尼科西亚 (塞浦路斯)
巴黎 (法国的) - 布达佩斯 (匈牙利)巴黎 (法国的) - 奥胡斯 (丹麦)
巴黎 (法国的) - 维也纳 (奥地利)巴黎 (法国的) - 杜尚别 (塔吉克斯坦)
巴黎 (法国的) - 瓦莱塔 (马耳他)巴黎 (法国的) - 辛辛那提 (美国, 大湖)
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巴黎 (法国的) - 都柏林 (爱尔兰)巴黎 (法国的) - 索非亚 (保加利亚)
巴黎 (法国的) - 塔林 (爱沙尼亚)巴黎 (法国的) - 阿尔梅勒 (荷兰)
巴黎 (法国的) - 明斯克 (白俄罗斯)巴黎 (法国的) - 拉科鲁尼亚 (西班牙)
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巴黎 (法国的) - 基希讷乌 (摩尔多瓦)巴黎 (法国的) - 卢布尔雅那 (斯洛文尼亚)
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巴黎 (法国的) - 比什凯克 (吉尔吉斯斯坦)巴黎 (法国的) - 贝尔法斯特 (赖诺工发组织)
巴黎 (法国的) - Agrinio (希腊)巴黎 (法国的) - 考纳斯 (立陶宛)
巴黎 (法国的) - 塔什干 (乌兹别克斯坦)巴黎 (法国的) - 阿尔伯克基 (美国, 中环)

Body Up Evolution is a mobile patient lift / transfer device.
It is a new lift concept, revolutionary, yet simple, assisting those with lower limb weakness to transfer and move about the house.
Offer your loved ones the luxury of access to anywhere in the house or in and out of the car while applying minimal muscular work.

With the use of the Body Up Evolution lifting and transporting people who face mobility issues becomes easier than ever before, raising both patient's and caregiver's quality of life to new standards.

Patients needing a carer - paraplegics with weaker upper limb function, who cannot transfer to a chair from a bed; MS patients; patients with advanced Parkinson's disease and those suffering other nervous system disorders with muscle wasting will benefit from the Body UP Evolution.

Body UP Evolution is ideal where the patient and spouse, who is the carer, are both older and the spouse does not have the physical strength to lift and transfer their partner.

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